We all hate to think about it, but there will come a time (or maybe you're there right now!!) when your kiddos will tranform into teens in the blink of an eye! All of a sudden, their corner of stuffed animals and princess or race car themed room just won't cut it anymore. Makes sense, but how do you make the transition without breaking the bank? I'm here to help! Here are my 8 tips to transition your child's kid bedroom to one fit for a teenager on a budget:
Get Rid Of The Old
If you ask your teen what they want out of their "new" bedroom, they'll probably say something along the lines of wanting it to look more mature and aesthetic. The first step to creating a curated look is to get rid of the unneeded clutter. That means getting rid of all the toys/gadgets they no longer play with (or at least finding a new spot for them) and incorporating things that control the look of messiness. Once you get rid of the clutter, create a system to keep it clean! It's hard to keep drawers organized, but if you help your child create a system where everything has a place, it's much easier to stick to. Now, that definitely doesn't mean you have to get too specific. Even just knowing which drawer things are in and continuing to keep those items all in one place will help. Find fun storage options and create a system that works for your child to keep their room tidy for a mature and curated look - that makes half the difference!
Add Some Fresh Paint
Especially when kids are younger, they always seem to ask for the craziest wall colors! However, that is most of the time the first thing to go when revamping to a teenage bedroom. Adding some fresh paint can make a world of a difference. My recommendation would be to go with a neutral or even what I like to call a "colorful neutral", which is a slight pop of color that seems to match with anything! Paint the room yourself to save big - tackle this painting project in a day or two and get one of the biggest parts of the transformation out of the way for less!
Opt For An Accent Wall Of Wallpaper
Want to step it up a notch? Opt in for some fun wallpaper! If you're not so sure about a whole room, add an accent wall to introduce that pop of color or pattern. This will still make the room feel really unique and personal, yet be a great transition from some of the younger patterns you may have previously had in the room. I love wallpaper but do admit that sometimes, especially in a bigger room, it can get a little bit pricey. Adding it to one wall saves you a ton but still allows you to be really creative with your design. Whenever I'm helping to design a nursery or toddler's room, I always recommend choosing wallpaper and furniture that will transition well through the years. If you're just starting now, look for patterns that are timeless and ones that you'll never get sick of!
Here are some of my favorite wallpapers for a teen bedroom:
*Click on each photo to shop*
Decide What To Keep And What To Replace
Revamp/Rearrange The Furniture You Already Have
Have some pieces you think will still work? Instead of paying a ton of money for all new furniture, refurbish what you already have! DIYing will save you a ton of money, and it can be a fun project! Whether it's reupholstering a chair, painting a vintage dresser, or making artwork to pull the room together, almost everything can be DIYed - it just depends on how much time and effort you're willing to spend! Does your furniture work as is? Rearrange it for a fresh new feel!
Buy Vintage!
I'm sure you were waiting for this one, but BUY VINTAGE! For the pieces you do need to replace, buying vintage pieces and redoing them yourself is one of the best ways to save money anywhere in your house in my opinion. They bring so much life into the room and are a fraction of the price if you find them on places like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. From there, our MegMade Furniture Paint is the perfect DIY paint to get the job done. It doesn't require any type of prime and very little prep. Just clean your piece and paint! Click HERE to browse our MegMade Paint collection. If you're not a DIYer, our services are less expensive if you provide the piece. If you already have a piece in mind, buy it and bring it to us! I'll include our services HERE.
Here are a few of my favorite MegMade DIY Furniture Paint colors for a teen room:
*Click Each Photo To Shop*
Create A Space To Lounge
Want to create a new design your teen will love? Add in an area that they can lounge, do their homework at, etc. This can be done without it costing a ton! Opt for a chair that works both for hanging out and getting some work done, and add some art above for a personal touch to show off their personality and style! Have old photos they love? Incorporate them into an area like this and create a sort of gallery wall - a mix of their personality and memories. I love creating a space for teens to lounge in because it gets them out of their bed and into what feels like a new space. People always say being in your bed should be reserved for sleeping only, and this is the perfect way to separate sleeping with relaxing in their room!
Add New Blankets And Throw Pillows
Need to revamp their bedding? Sometimes getting rid of the themed blankets and throw pillows and replacing them with some fun patterned or textured ones can completely change the look! I love custom pillows, but you can find some really cute ones from places like Target or Etsy! You can never go wrong with white linen bedding, but the blankets and pillows are where you can really play it up and have fun with it!
I hope this inspired you to get started on your next design! Need help creating your teen's next bedroom design? We can help! Click HERE to view the interior design packages we offer. As always, I would love to see how you've transitioned your child's kid room into a teen room! Tag us in photos of your new design by tagging us on Instagram and Facebook at @Megmade and using our hashtag #findthegold to show us how you found the gold by transforming the old into a new, mature teen room!
Like this blog? Check out our other blogs like 10 WAYS TO CREATE THE PERFECT NURSERY ON A BUDGET. Click HERE to read!