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The weather is warming up, which means it's time to revamp your space again! There are so many little things you can change around in your house to give yourself a fresh feel before the warmer months hit. I love making changes to the spaces my family and I spend a lot of time in once or twice a year - it makes your home feel brand new! Here are my 10 tips to refresh your home this spring:

1. Declutter And Reorganize 

During the winter months, it's easy to collect things in your home that don't actually add any value or serve any purpose, ESPECIALLY if you have kids. You're inside trying to entertain them with random toys - trust me, I know it's easy! A great way to refresh your home before the craziness of summer is to declutter and make every drawer and countertop feel intentional. Decluttering and reorganizing will make you feel more refreshed and productive -- especially since you'll probably be running from place to place and will need to find things quickly! 

I love to start by going through all my items in a single area and getting rid of things I don't need. From there, I usually try to find some type of organizational tool or system that will allow me to find the items I need easily. The key is organizing in a system that you'll actually use so that things go back where they need to go. Only you know what will work for you and your family! Now that you have a clean slate, it's time to refresh the rest of your space. 

2. Paint 

If you want to go big with your home refresh, adding paint can change the whole look and feel of a room. It's the perfect way to revamp your space to one that feels refreshing and perfect for summer. You can go as big or small as you want with this! Whether you're painting your walls or your side table, switching up your space with a few coats of paint is an easy way to hit reset on a room without breaking the bank. 

Here are some colors we would recommend to give your space a revamp:



3. Add Spring Decor 

Switching out your decor for the seasons is a great way to switch it up and make your space feel brand new again. There are so many routes you could take to spice up your "summer decor". I'd recommend looking on places like Pintrest to get an idea for the look you want and buying decor similar to the photo you love!

Here are some decor that would be great for the summer months:



4. Switch Your Fans 

Refreshing your home for the Summer isn't just about making your home look great, it's about making it feel great too! During the Summer months, you'll definitely want to be utilizing all the cool air you can get. Turning your ceiling fan to spin counter-clockwise in the summer will pull the cool air down towards the living space. 

5. Custom Pillows 

Custom pillows are one of my favorite ways to add fun patterns and textures into a home. I'm not saying you have to switch them out for every season, but finding the right style that fits your taste can give your home the pop of style you're looking for in the Summer months. When your choosing your fabric, make sure you think about the different decor it will have to match with throughout the year and play up the designs to really showcase your style!

6. Add In Some COLOR

It's time to get vibrant this season by adding in those pops of color you've been dying to try! I've said this before, but color is IN & it's here to stay. The past few years we've been living in tons of neutrals, but it's time to showcase our personality and style through our home design and add in a little bit of color. I love adding pops of color and texture through things like rugs, throw pillows, furniture pieces, etc. As long as it fits the look that YOU love it will never go out of style. 

7. Fresh Flowers 

Adding in some fresh flowers, whether it's to the front of my house or in vases throughout my space always puts me into the spring time mood. All the flowers are finally blooming again and I just can't get enough. Add in your favorites -- not only does it look gorgeous but it totally boosts your mood!

8. Switch It Up With Pattern 

Need a spring cleaning DIY project? Add in some fun patterns through peel and stick wallpaper! It's the perfect time to test out some styles and get creative! The best part? Peel and stick wallpaper can be easily removed if you're a renter or just simply want to switch up the space in the future. 

Check out some of our fun peel and stick wallpaper options:



9. Let In The Light 

One of my favorite parts about spring and summer time is how much light we get throughout the entire day. Let it in! I love keeping my drapes open throughout my house to let in as much light as possible. It brightens my mood - no pun intended! 

10. Switch Out Your Blankets

If you're anything like me, I love the look of throw blankets at all times.It's time to switch out your warm fuzzy blankets for some light ones! Having a huge, hot blanket on me in the summer just doesn't cut it though. Switch them out and say hello to summer!!

We hope this list gave you some ideas on how to refresh your home for the summer months. We'd love to see how you incorporated our tips! Tag us @MegMade on Instagram and Facebook, and we'll feature you on our page!

Like this blog? Check out our other blogs like HOW TO CHOOSE AND STYLE YOUR HOME DECOR. Click HERE to read! 

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