As the holidays are coming up, I've caught myself looking back these past few weeks at where we've come from to remember our "why". I look back to pull inspiration and remind myself that every decision Joe and I make for MegMade should be made with why we originally started at the heart of all we do.
Joe and I have always had a passion for finding the gold in all things around us. We lead with love and have always been energized by the amazing people, places, and things that we can find the good and the beauty in. MegMade's story first started because of the beauty we saw next to a dumpster in an alley way. Yes - you read that correctly!! When we found out we were pregnant with our oldest son, we were broke as a joke. No matter what the circumstances were, we needed a changing table. We found a vintage dresser in our alley and we took the opportunity to bring it back to life. To say the rest was history is an understatement, because that first dresser sparked a passion for Joe and I that has never gone away!
The changing table was the reason MegMade is what it is today, but as for its whereabouts ... well we got sick of it after a few weeks and decided we could do better. We sold it on Craigslist and bought another one to redo. One thing led to another, and after a few months people were stopping by every night to pick up pieces we had redone in our living room while watching Law and Order SVU (or SUV in Joe's world).
As Joe would show the customers around our little storage area (also known as our apartment's garage), he would tell the customers, "Meg made this", or "Meg made that" while going through our restored pieces. One day a customer stopped us and said, "You guys say 'Meg made' a need to start a business and call all of this MegMade". To this day I will always remember that moment, because that's exactly what we did. The following week we signed a lease on an 800 sq. ft. warehouse that changed our lives forever. What started with a need has turned into a passion that I didn't know existed until it came into my life.
Not only do we now paint antique pieces, but we’ve grown into offering all types of finished and customizable furniture, home decor and interior design options. We get to live out our original passion of finding the gold all around us. Whether it is the people we've been privileged enough to work with, the space we're designing or the piece of furniture we are bringing back to life, sometimes your passions manifest themselves in the craziest ways - I certainly didn't see this coming!
As we look forward to the future, Joe and I constantly go back to our "why". Our "why" is to create a home like no other for each and every family that we're blessed to work with. We believe each home is so unique to the family that lives there, and we want to create a space that is completely designed for you. Check out the rest of our store HERE!
It's going to be a wild ride, but we're so excited you're coming along with us! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @MegMade for tutorials, inspiration, and life/store updates! Use our hashtag #findthegold and tag us in the photos that inspire you to look for the gold in all you see - whether it's your DIY projects or the people that energize you!
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