If you know me, you know I LOVE all things wallpaper. I swear I would wallpaper my whole house if Joe would let me! Wallpaper is truly art and it's a great way to show your personality and style on a blank canvas that is your wall. For some people, the idea of hanging wallpaper can be super intimidating. Don't let it be!! If you are looking to add wallpaper in your home, hiring a wallpaper hanger is always great. However, you CAN do it yourself!! If you're ready to take on the challenge, here are 5 things to know before hanging wallpaper on your own:
1. Fill In Any Holes Or Cracks To Ensure A Smooth Application
Before you begin with your wallpaper, it's important to make sure you have walls for the wallpaper to go on that's optimal for the perfect finish! Especially with older homes, it's very common for there to be cracks in the walls from settling. You'll also have to fill in any holes from picture frames, T.V. mounts, etc. To make sure the wallpaper goes on smoothly, make sure your walls are primed and smooth for the best outcome when putting on the wallpaper. Cracks and holes will be noticed in the paper, so it's important to give yourself a clean slate to start on!
2. A Good-Quality Wallpaper Adhesive Is A Must
Unlike how wallpaper paste was made in the past, buying a good-quality wallpaper adhesive makes the process easier both on the front and back end. A good adhesive allows for an easier application process as it allows you to adjust your paper easily while trying to apply as well as makes the process easier to remove if you ever sell your house or change up your design in a few years.
3. All Papers Aren't Created Equal
When it comes to wallpaper, it's important to remember that not all wallpaper is created equal. Some have overlaps, some have 1" repeats, etc. With our wallpaper collection specifically, we also offer three different types of wallpaper that you can choose from. We offer a peel-and-stick option, a non-pasted paper option (this requires wallpaper paste) and a vinyl option (also requires wallpaper paste but a thicker, textured paper). Depending on which wallpaper option you go with, there are slight variations on how you should hang it! Whatever yours is, make sure you read the full information on your particular wallpaper before you begin.
4. Start With An Easy Wall To Gain Confidence
Especially if this is your first time wallpapering, start with an easy wall to get the hang of the process. If you can, choose a wall with a blank slate, meaning no outlets, windows, or doors. Doing this helps you get used to applying adhesive, matching the pattern of your wallpaper, etc. Once you get that down, you're ready to move towards making cuts on other more complex walls!
5. Creating A Plumb Line Is Key

Because walls are uneven in so many homes, it's really important to make sure you apply your paper level rather than based on the corner of your wall. To do this, we create a "plumb line" to line up your first strip of wallpaper to rather than the corner of the wall.
I hope these tips helped you gained the confidence to get out there and get the job done! Wallpapering is such a great DIY project that you can do -- you just need the tools and the confidence!
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