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Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! We're lucky to know you and even luckier to have you in our lives! If you have seen my amazing husband Joe on stories or our Instagram in general, you know he's full of life and always brings the fun. Today I thought it would be fun to give you 10 facts that you might not know about Joe!
He Was an Accounting Major
Joe went to U of I and got a Bachelors in accounting. Joe handles the finances at MegMade along with all the other hats he wears!
his favorite band is one direction
If you ever turn One Direction on in the car, watch out! Joe LOVES their songs and has decided they are his absolute favorite band. Not sure their current status, but if they go on tour, it would be his dream to go.
He was vince Fontain in grease in high school
I'm sure you all can just picture it, but Joe played the popular radio announcer who hosts the prom at Rydell High, Vince Fontain, in his school's musical production of Grease. Yes, I wish I had pictures too!
joe speaks italian (not well)
Joe studied aborad in college in Rome, so he picked up some Italian during his time there. Just don't ask him to have a conversation with you in Italian, because it will not go smoothly!
he's had stitches on his chin three times
Joe has only gotten stitches four time in his life, but THREE of them have been on his chin. Once was a football accident, one time he was in the shower and fell down and the third time someone accidentally head butted him.
he was paperboy of the month in elementary
One of Joe's proudest accomplishments is that he was paperboy of the month in elementary school. He woke up every morning at 5 am and claims to have impeccable aim getting each paper right in front of the house.
he's obsessed with penn state (no connection to it though)
Per Joe's story, his first experience with Penn State was when he was 7 or 8 years old at his fraternity reunion on U of I's campus. Football was on the T.V. and Penn State was playing. Joe thought their jerseys were cool, and has inexplainably been obsessed with the school ever since. He did have two cousins that went there after his obsession had grown for a while, but other than that has no connection or reasoning why he loves the school so much!
Ryne Sandberg was his childhood hero
Joe has always loved the Cubs, and his childhood hero was Ryne Sandberg. He can remember going to games and seeing him play second base while he played baseball too.
he has a fear dressing in costumes
You would think with his fun personality and goofy spirit, he would love Halloween. Even as a kid, Joe has always hated dressing up in costumes and has never been into it since I've known him.
he proposed to meg after 6 weeks of dating
We've told the story before, we'll link it HERE, but Joe proposed to me after only six weeks of dating. When you know you know!
These are just a few fun facts you might not have known about Joe! He's the best husband, father and friend around! I'm so lucky to have him through this journey of MegMade and in life!
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